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raw, unprocessed honey from the wild meadows, marshes and forests of the Aukštaitija. Exclusive.

The marsh bee apiary is located in Molėtai district, on the outskirts of Didžiokai village, surrounded by marshes, wild meadows and forests, away from intensively cultivated monoculture fields. The rich botanical diversity of the area results in honey with exceptional properties - extremely pleasant taste and aroma, characterized by high bioactivity. In beekeeping, we do not use synthetic chemicals, but choose organic treatment and biomechanical bee health control mechanisms. Our goal is not the quantity of honey, but the quality. We aim to ensure that the honey meets the highest standards and, most importantly, that it is genuine wild meadow honey collected from thousands of different plants.

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In our apiary, depending on the weather, four types of honey can be distinguished - early summer or dandelion honey, midsummer wildflower and forest honey and late summer herbal honey.


Dandelion honey is called early spring honey, collected at the mid to end of May. Contains dandelion, willow and maple tree honey. It is a light-toned and refreshing honey. Usually the first honey of the season - therefore, the most expected. Locally, a beekeeper takes pride if able to extract this type of honey prior to orchard blossom season.


Linden honey is produced in July, when lime trees are in full bloom. Honey with a pleasant aroma, slightly spicy, but very healthy and valuable. Along with lindens, bulrushes, gorse, raspberries bloom.


Midsummer honey is collected from weeds and flowers that bloom in mid-summer - white and zigzag clover, sweet clover, raspberry, cow vetch, caraway, wild carrot, ground elder, thistle, linden and forest honey dew.


Late summer honey or herbal honey is collected from the late summer herbs of the wetlands. Dominated by wild oregano and thyme, St.John's wort, loosestrife, meadowsweet, thistle, chicory, common agrimony and plenty of honeydew.



The essay section, or BLOG, is devoted to the discussion of individual topics related to the apiary, beekeeping, honey, and nature.

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Boutique apiary in the swampy wilderness of Aukštaitija.
We provide genuine raw wildflower honey. Limited in quantity but unlimited in flavor.

Apiary"Swamp bees"
Didžiokai 33252, Lithuania.
Farm No.: 4619918
Beekeeper: A. Vizbar


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